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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Therapeutic Benefits of Oregano Oil


The word 'Oregano' comes from the Greek that means "mountain of joy." The ancient Greeks were among the first people to identify Oregano oil for its health advantage and therapeutic qualities. Hippocrates in ancient times brought Oregano in use for curing various diseases like respiratory diseases and stomach pain. Moreover, Paracelsus in the 15th century used Wild Oregano to treat psoriasis, diarrhoea, jaundice, vomiting, and fungal diseases. All these facts reveal how important Oregano is for human civilisation. Till today, oil of Oregano is used in treating many diseases. Also, its other abilities are being discovered by medical scientists.
Oregano oil is a natural substance derived from Oregano species. The plant of Oregano is found in remote mountainous regions that are free of pollution. The oil is extracted from leaves of the flowering plant only. Leaves are chosen with accuracy when the Oregano plant is highest in essential oil. These plants are rare and hence are not available everywhere. Often people confuse common Oregano used in cooking with oil of Oregano. Where common oregano is typical Origanum Marjoram, Oil of Oregano is extracted from Origanum Vulgare.
Oregano oil contains Carvacrol, which is a natural phenol that can perform powerful anti-microbial activity. On the other hand, Flavonoids in Oregano provide natural antiseptic properties, and Terpenes are natural anti-inflammatory elements. Wild Oregano oil has been identified as encompassing important antioxidant power and stimulates the flow of bile, which vitally improves digestion process.
It is recognized as potent antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, antifungal oil that can bring down the pain, inflammation and effectively keep off infections. However, there are few benefits that are important to mention:
  • Fortifying the immune system.
  • Boosting respiratory health.
  • Enhancing joint and muscle flexibility.
  • Fight off organisms that participate in skin infections and digestive troubles.
Oil of Oregano is available in liquid, capsules as well as tablets. Buy any of the form according to your convenience but make sure that the oil is derived from the proper potent oregano plant. Also make sure that the carvacrol concentration is minimum 70%. There are several uses of Oregano oil which are meant to simplify human life. However, if the product you are choosing is not the right one you might be deprived of its actual values. Hence, make sure that the brand or company you are referring for Oregano oil is renowned and is certified. This will guarantee of original Oregano.
With over 15 years of experience in different branches of medical science, Tamim Ahmad regularly writes on various diseases and their possible treatments. This article is about Oregano Oil and Oregano.

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Saturday, April 07, 2012

The Many Uses Of Oil Of Oregano


Oil of oregano has been used in the past to remedy various ailments from skin diseases to respiratory problems. The herb where this oil comes from carries the scientific name Origanum Vulgare. The plant is a native to the Mediterranean area such as Greece where they call it Oreganos meaning "the joy of the mountains". The oil is extracted from the leaves of the herb by crushing and pressing it. It should not be mistaken for Oregano Marjoram, the common oregano used as food spices.
There are many scientific studies conducted to validate the potency of oregano oil in fighting certain diseases. In one study, scientists have found out that oregano oil is effective in inhibiting the growth of staphylococcus bacteria. This bacterium is responsible for severe digestive problems and is resistant to conventional antibiotics. The scientists infected 18 mice of the staphylococcus bacteria wherein six of them were given oregano oil and the rest were not. They did this for 30 days and at the end of the experiment, 50% of the group given the oil survived while the rest did not.
This oil can be administered either orally or topically. For oral use, you must start with small amounts of one drop twice a day and gradually increase your intake to a drop taken four times daily. You can mix it with other drinks like juices or milk. For children this may be the best way to administer this oil. It is always wise to consult your physician before choosing the right dosage. This is especially true with regards to young and growing children.
There are various ways you can use oil of oregano topically. You can apply the oil directly to the affected area twice daily. When rash or irritation shows up, discontinue its use. You can also add a few drops of this oil to your regular shampoo. Allow to lather for a few minutes before rinsing. To add additional antiseptic properties to liquid soaps, you can add a few drops in the container and use it when bathing.
When you have gum problems, use a drop of this oil instead of your usual toothpaste. You can also rub the oil on your gums and teeth. If you have fungal infections on your feet, you can put a drop on your toe nail and spread it across the affected area. Rub the oil to facilitate the oil's penetration of the skin. This will help in killing the fungus underneath your skin.
There are other medicinal benefits you can derive from this oil. One important thing though that you must consider is that before taking specific dosages for an extended period of time, you should consult your medical provider. There are no known side effects of this oil, but it is wise to stay on the safe side.
There is a huge amount on information on oil of oregano and oreganol p73 at

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